Sunday, February 17, 2013

The Judge of the Second Chance

I’m amazed at the presently projected opinion of so many, that claim “all roads lead to the same place” when referring to spiritual beliefs. Clearly those folks have never looked at a map, because all roads definitely do not arrive at the same destination. As a matter of fact, what would be the purpose of a map, if all roads lead to the same place? Remember, just as roads are “man-made” so is that spiritual teaching.

YHWH has given me a parable for this modern time, pertaining to roads and the vehicles that fill them.

The Kingdom of Heaven is Like Unto “Traffic Court.”
This parable takes place in a courtroom in which there is a judge and a public defender. The public defender just happens to be the son of the judge.
There is a defendant who has been in a terrible accident, speeding, causing injury, severe property damage, totaled vehicles, and carried no insurance. The public defender looks at this individual and says, you are guilty of a lot of things, but I will pay your fine, resolve all medical bills, make all restitution on your behalf. But, there will be no plea bargain and there will be a change of driving habits required, and new employment, not to mention, managed free time.

The judge calls the individual by name and instructs them to approach the bench. He then looks at them and asks, “How do you plead?” The individual stops for a moment to ask the public defender what is involved in this “new plan.” The public defender simply looks back and says, “trust me” . . . Well, he is paying a huge price for all these mistakes, and considering the penalty involved in this and the individual stands contemplatively for a moment. The judge asks again, “How do you plead?”

The response is, “Guilty as charged, your honor. I seek mercy and I won’t ever do it again.”

The judge then informs the individual that the public defender has already paid the fine, penalty, cost of damage, resolved all the medical issues and there is a car out in the parking lot that starts with the keys the judge is holding up.

The judge offers a car, with insurance and a job, but . . . The individual has to accept the full package.

Your job, should you accept it along with the freedom offered and penalty paid: You will be transporting folks from jails and hospitals to the courthouse, that have also been in vehicular accidents, both those who have caused the accident, victims and those who were injured by their own fault, but; only those who respond to the invitation sent ahead by the judge and public defendant. You will also be expected to stop and help those along the road who are having vehicle difficulties.
Don’t make promises you can’t keep or guarantee. Always stop to offer help, but don’t insist, don’t force, and don’t mislead . . .

The judge gives the defendant a handbook, authored by the judge, himself; reminding them of the rules of the road and explaining what is expected, before accepting the keys to the vehicle and position, and the public defender says, “If you accept this deal, the vehicle will always belong to the court, and you must ‘drive safely’ in all your transport endeavors. You will work for the court and be accountable, if you accept this new opportunity and clean slate.” The defendant states affirmation of acceptance.

The judge pronounces sentence. “Guilty as charged, free to go, all restitution, fines and penalties have been paid in full. But I do not want to see you in here guilty of such travesty again. Study my driving handbook, and two instructions from the bench. I expect to be shown respect, both in this court and on the open road, so don’t forget what has happened here today and take care that you do not inflict this sort of damage on others, again.”

Now here is the question we must ask ourselves regarding this amazing offer. “What does “drive safely” mean in relationship to the driving handbook? Those statutes and regulations were written with everyone’s best interest and safety in mind. Does “drive safely” and watch out for others mean use your own judgment and conscience or do you believe the statutes and instructions written, contained in the handbook, apply to each individual on the open road of life?”

He has written in the handbook the way to demonstrate respect for Him, at every turn. Although “the Judge” appreciates the warm feeling of gratitude and privilege of offering the opportunity of a clean slate, he expects responsible obedience to His rules of the road and a willing appreciation for this second chance.
This amazing grace is not license . . . It cost His son a great deal . . .