Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Two Sticks

I have a parable!

Please allow me to share the background and details of this photo . . .

The cow in the photo is Esther.  She is a full-sized cow and that patch of green with white blossoms spanning about 300 square feet is the elderberry patch here in the Land of Goshen.  When I moved here, there was no elderberry patch, but I knew of 5 wild patches that have sadly disappeared through the years.  In 2012, I realized I was down to one wild patch.  Elderberries are terribly valuable for the immune system and the last wild patch looked to be in the same danger as the others that have disappeared.  Actually, they have died away from spraying by the power company and state roadway mowing.  So, in my last picking, rather than make juice of all of them, I froze a few berries.  I figured freezing would simulate winter and I'd plant them in late winter in the greenhouse.

Only two sprouted, but they grew and when the possibility of frost has passed, I planted those two "sticks" in April of 2013.  The "sticks" were about 18" tall with just a couple of leaves, and what I hoped to be, a healthy root system.  I don't remember any blossoms or berries in 2014, and 2015 was Shemitah, so since I'd planted them, I didn't cultivate or harvest the berries.  By 2016, the two plants had expanded and the harvest was nice. The plants had expanded so dramatically by 2017, I could no longer distinguish the two original plants.  In the past two years, this elderberry patch has provided elderberry syrup, tincture, and juice for several households, as well as producing slips for new patches on other homesteads.

As I viewed this massive expansion this year, Ezekiel 37 came to mind.  There were two sticks that just did what they were created to do.  They grew toward the light and the sun, they drank in the rain from heaven and produced deep roots in good soil.  Of course, they didn't tell each other how to produce fruit, but the bees and butterflies hovered between the two plants in the late spring as the blossoms appeared, doing what they were created to do.  The plants themselves didn't seem to organize a plan for unity, and this has certainly become abundantly more than I had imagined.  I'm even hopeful a bird or two might carry some berries to another location where another wild patch could begin.

It's absolutely amazing what happens when creation simply does what our Creator ordained to be done.  They didn't have meetings, conferences, aim for unity or common ground, those two sticks just did what Father created them to do.  This is not intended to discourage meetings, fellowship, or conferences, but just a reminder that our best intentions are not always divinely inspired.  We cannot make growth or unity happen unless and until it is Father's plan and timing.

The two sticks have become one . . .

And join them one to another into one stick; and they shall become one in thine hand.
And say unto them, Thus saith Adonai YHUH; Behold, I will take the children of Israel from among the heathen, whither they be gone, and will gather them on every side, and bring them into their own land:  Ezekiel 37: 17, 21

Thursday, March 28, 2019

We Could Take a Lesson from a Former Teacher

The subject of my blog is not usually an individual, but today I'm making an exception.  Actually, I'm going to talk about a couple, a humble power couple who have balanced humility with power, wealth, and fame, outside of Washington DC or Hollywood.  Bill and Gloria Gaither have been an amazing team for over 1/2 a century and today Bill is 83 years old.  Although I don't know them personally, their track record is public and that's what I want to share.

They began as school teachers in a small town in Indiana and even after composing "He Touched Me," they continued teaching school for a few more years.  The first point I'd like to make, is they have an amazing work ethic, and continue to work all these years later.  I don't know their net worth, although I'm sure it's nothing to sneeze at, they live in the same home they bought in the 60s while teaching school.  Without a doubt, they could have retired in the comfort of continuing royalties many years ago, and certainly at 65, but they didn't.  I honestly do not believe this 83 year old man is still doing what he's doing "for the money!"

Some of their songs are printed in hymnals.  Who remembers hymnals?  They are among the few songwriters whose songs are in hymnals while still living!  Not to discount Gloria in this, but today is not her birthday.

They continued to teach school while they wrote, introducing their work to their own church choir, as well as family singing groups and quartets that Bill admired as a teen.  "He Touched Me" was written in 1963, but it would be nearly a decade before that song changed their lives.  When Elvis and a few other well-known singers of the day recorded "He Touched Me," they quit their day job.  To this day, when he speaks to young music majors, he is very clear in telling them, "Don't quit your day job!"  Young people are still very much a priority, and our Heavenly Father graciously brought both of them out from careers in the Public Education System to use their
G-d given talent to bring Him glory.

As the name, Gaither, became a household word in Christian churches and homes, the number of Gaithers in their own home increased.  They have three children and I'm not sure how many  grandchildren, some of whom are adults, themselves.  Out of respect for the older servants in song ministries, Bill and Gloria hosted a "reunion" of many of the long recognized and well-known names in gospel music, such as Goodman and Speer.  The "reunion" that was intended as a single event became another part of their legacy in "The Homecoming Videos."

Bill Gaither has given dozens of young singers a wonderful platform to begin their ministries and/or careers, as well as keeping memories of George Younce, Rex Nelon, and Jake Hess alive for these next generations.  He's shared his stage with many other groups, who would not be so well known without the Gaither spotlight.  Beyond his talents in music and songwriting, he is gifted to recognize and spotlight the talents of others.  
Although some Christian vocalists have had some reported personal problems, there is no record or report of anyone leaving under discord.  A few have said, however; trying to keep up with Bill Gaither wears them out . . . but they keep getting on that bus and stage with him.  Many have launched into their own solo careers, but return for the reunions, or can be seen in the crowds.  The relationships come across as very genuine.  To work together daily, travel like family and continue to get along, is an amazing feat, not accomplished by just everyone.

The number of different denominations under the same roof for concerts, homecoming videos and cross country bus tours is mind-boggling.  Unlike social media, these folks just love the opportunity to praise our Heavenly Father and enjoy fellowship!  Truth be told, as my life took this crazy change and need for adjustment, the old southern gospel and Gaither Vocal Band have been a real blessing. 

Mark Allen Powell described Mr. William James Gaither in the following manner.
He's a curious hybrid
of poet and industrialist
of bumpkin and guru,
of living legend
and modest disciple.

Bill Gaither has worked with a group and certainly spotlighted this group, taking them from the small churches of Appalachia to the national stage.  Since this is the blog for Psalm 133 ministries, I'd like to share this video by the Isaacs.  
Hinei Ma Tov  
Behold how good and pleasant it is for brothers to dwell together in unity
                                                                                                 from Psalm 133

Thursday, March 14, 2019

Finding Our Creator in His Word

I entered Covenant with our Heavenly Father through His Son in 1994.  That was 25 years ago, long before many translations of Scripture were available.  By that time, there was, of course, more than just the King James Version, but the Complete Jewish Bible was not yet published, and neither was the Cepher.  The ISR was published in 1993, but I'd never heard of it.  I had a KJV, Scofield, no less and bought a Strong's Concordance the next day, along with an Evangelical Study Bible (KJV) and an NIV Rainbow Study Bible.  (That was when the rainbow just stood for covenant and color!)  Within days, I discovered The Name of our Creator and that of His Son.  Within a month, I was hearing the Voice of our Creator.  It wasn't daily, but it was distinct!

The reason for my personal history on this matter is simple.  As more people are coming to understand Torah obedience in following Messiah, King James and James Strong are being discounted.  I'm not a KJV only believer, but I'm certainly not going to discount it.  The internet has as many "teachers" as TBN has televangelists and everyone seems to have their special understanding . . . often translated by yours truly as "a tangent."

We all know there are errors in KJV.  Aside from poor translations of the Father and Son's Name, since we know names do not translate, the greatest offense I have found is an intentional mistranslation in Acts.  Throughout the accounts of the Gospel the word "pascha" was translated to Passover, but in Acts 12:4, that same term "pascha" was written as easter.  Constantine was dead set on keeping his empire united while separating from Judaism.  I cannot judge how many intentional mistranslations the Nicene Council contributed as they determined the content of the New Testament, but Strong's Concordance offers a simple way to decode the KJV translation from Hebrew and Greek to English.  Many choose to interpret Paul's epistles to render the Hebrew Scriptures obsolete, except as history, but if Paul taught against the only Scripture at that time, that would make him a false teacher . . .

I've grown weary hearing how much of the Bible was mistranslated . . . Our Heavenly Father promises to be found by those who seek Him with a whole heart.  Isaiah and Jeremiah both include words about seeking, as do many other books contained within Holy Scripture, but as of yet, I've found no Scripture to specify the translation we are to use.  Even as an author, I can state unequivocally, there is no extraneous book needed to find Him.  I pray some of the books, mine included, are helpful in areas of question or doubt, but spiritual growth only comes from time with our Heavenly Father and in His Word.  Anything we read must be measured against the standard of The Word.

I realize this is not the intentions of most, but in the continual discussion of mistranslation and cultural context, Scripture seems to actually be discounted as an inaccurate history book, and that is simply not the case!  Perhaps it's just my perspective and maybe I need an attitude adjustment, but far too many people are falling away from the Truth in what they believe to be revelation knowledge.

Not that I am comparing a president to our Creator, but rather using the situation to make a point.  Biographies are my favorite reading material and in school, I read every book about JFK that I could get my hands on.  Each book contained much of the same basic information, but emphasized various details and aspects of his life.  I, also do not choose to believe the "official report" regarding his assassination.  In all of this reading and years of discussing the official report, there is one overwhelming fact . . . I never met President Kennedy.  I can recite all sorts of facts, but I never knew the man.  This is the same thing I'm seeing in some of these discussions and teaching posts.  We can discuss our knowledge of Biblical history and our perspective of various translations until Messiah returns, but that doesn't mean we have an actual relationship with our Heavenly Father or His Son.

I am not discounting education in any way, but in all the endeavor to discover truth and enlighten others, we must not miss the actual point of the purpose of the Bible, and that is that we might know our Creator through His Son and to walk with Him.  Time is of the essence and a relationship in covenant obedience with our Creator is the point.  Messiah said it so simply.

But seek ye first the kingdom of G-d, and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.  Matthew 6:33

Wednesday, February 27, 2019

There is A War on Humanity

Having ourselves so polarized isn't helping anyone see the bigger picture!  The war on masculinity, the feminist movement, and all these horrific laws against protecting children are all part of the bigger spiritual war against humanity.  The division amongst ourselves only leaves us more vulnerable.

Men were created to be masculine; strong, protectors and providers.
1971 Webster's definition of masculine:  strong, vigorous, manly.
Although it is a matter of conscience and integrity, testosterone fuels that drive and motivation.  Our food supply is counter to maintaining proper levels of testosterone, thus weakening muscles and with that comes a reduction of motivation.  Whether weakened by the food supply, societal pressures, or absent; when masculinity is diminished or absent, a vulnerability exists in the American household.

Women were created to be nurturers and nesters.  The feminist movement has caused many to be distracted.  Although feminism became noted and named in the late 60s when bras were burned, after women won the right to vote in the 20s, many of the Silent Generation grew up with both parents working away from home and the number of family farms had already seriously declined.  WWII brought us Rosie the Riveter and without major fanfare "stay at home motherhood" became some sort of default existence!  Once women became distracted, the children of the American household were left vulnerable.
Definition of feminine, same reference as above:  having qualities characteristic of or suitable to women:  gentle, delicate, etc.

Feminism, on the other hand is defined as:  the movement to win political, economic, and social equality for women.  Certainly not the first time a bad idea was introduced to a woman.  The ERA never passed, but the subversive purpose of this movement has gained momentum in nearly half a century and altered our society significantly!  After 50 years, where is American politics, economy, and society in general?  The most divided and divisive it has very been on every level and in every faction!  All this division has left our most helpless to be the most vulnerable.

The targeted group is the children!  So much in our society comes against them.  Through abortion, the value of life has been obviously diminished in our society.  Sadly, I have not always been anti-vax, and I deeply regret my cowardice programming.  With so many women, now in the workforce, daycare and preschool have taken over for the distracted nurturers . . .  The indoctrination begins early, and vaccines are fiercely encouraged if not outrightly mandated for preschool.  With so many single parent households, the food supply is greatly influenced by government subsiding and affordability.  Many women give birth and go back to work in 3 months or less.  The children are subjected to social indoctrination quite young in daycare, pre-school and of course, public education.


And YHUH said unto Satan, From whence comest thou? And Satan answered YHUH, and said, From going to and fro in the earth, and from walking up and down in it.  Job 2:2