Sunday, March 16, 2014

Touchable in Ministry

America has established or I should say, continued a tradition of Rome in which those who minister are somewhat removed from the throngs.  Many big religious names in America are almost as inaccessible as the Pope.  Body guards, Associate Pastors are the evangelical Cardinals . . . Lear jets, Rolls Royces maintain privacy like the Pope mobile . . .  I inadvertently find myself upsetting the religious crowd, on occasion; as they defend their untouchable idols.  That's right, I did say idols.  I've even heard some of those big name religious demagogues refer to themselves as "little gods."  I've been around a while and "the little god" teaching was a short-lived popular trend for a time between the repackaging and rewrapping of the prosperity teaching.  The late Paul Crouch gave great emphasis to that line of thinking and teaching.

We know there are ministers who have their own jets to avoid airline crowds.  Several ministries are big, huge, tax exempt, money making machines for the entire family.  I've heard the arguments both ways on this, and frankly, I really don't think I'll ever have to worry about it, so I don't.  I think folks in ministry can be comfortable, even have some worldly wealth, but I have an expression of bewildered doubt when it comes to "filthy rich!"  I actually heard Creflo Dollar talking about amassing wealth, because he's not going to heaven poor.  He didn't impart the knowledge as to how he planned to take it with him!

There was the "confession of faith" or "speak it into existence" teaching.  I also remember the "don't touch me, I'm in the anointing," phase of the word of faith movement.  Then there were those who were "in the higher realms . . ."  The Word of Faith teaching or movement covers a great deal of ground, I simply would not call "holy."  Now, let me say this.  I do believe some people have been introduced to our Creator through some of these people, but if they truly meet Messiah and continue seeking YHWH, those individuals soon come out from among them and are separate.

I got called out for sharing a meme the other day, and to be honest, I didn't check the original source of the meme, but the concept and content really touched me.  Messiah touched people, and people touched him.  He was up close and personal, and he didn't live materially above the people.  Let's face facts, if anyone in ministry was ever used to the finer things, it was Him, He'd seen heaven.  I also took notice of the reality of the comments, especially those who were admonishing me or defending the names that were mentioned in the meme.  I couldn't help but wonder if any of those people ever found themselves in need, who they'd turn to.  Would they send a note to those big names, expecting help or would they turn to friends, family and us small time folk in ministry who are willing to share and be touched?

I've attended services of some of the biggest names in American religion, but I've served along side members of some of the smallest congregations in various communities.  Y'hshuwah healed the sick, fed the hungry, and walked from town to town.  His special amenities amounted to "no place to lay his head . . ."   Most believers in this country are blessed to live in a relative degree of comfort, and I believe we are blessed in direct proportion to our obedience and use of the talents our Creator has placed in us, but the blessings of YHWH do not have to be monetary.  Scripture tells us that YHWH is our provider, so asking for donations is not faith in His Word, but rather; it's begging.

I have been young, and now am old; yet have I not seen the righteous forsaken, nor his seed begging bread.

A hungry person begging for food is one thing, but a wealthy person dressed well, wearing expensive jewelry and traveling in luxury has no need to ask anything of anyone, especially if they claim it's G-d's Will.  Asking for donations is begging and certainly placing faith in the crowd of givers, rather than YHWH Yireh.  He's big enough to provide what He wants us to have!  I'm not suggesting that followers of Messiah should take a vow of poverty, but according to Scripture, Messiah would not be immersed in material extravagance, while children went to bed hungry.

1 comment:

  1. It's a hard topic. Some of those people don't make their money off donations and offerings. they make it writing books and selling products. We are not privy to what all of them do with their monies or who they help. I like to reserve judgment, and stick to doctrines not names. I think the word says that we need to leave the tares with the wheat, else the wheat be destroyed in removing the tares. Just a thought.
