Sunday, August 17, 2014


As I've collected my thoughts and notes for this article, I am reminded, I need this reminder.  As editor of this publication, it's easy to see and become focused on the turmoil as the tempest increases.  I remind myself frequently of Messiah's words in Luke 21:28 And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh.   This article may sound a bit like a trip down memory lane, and perhaps it should, as our focus in life seems to be aimed more at what we are against than what and Whom we believe.

I can testify in my own life the varying issues that took my focus along the way through my spiritual walk and even before.  I want to take this moment to say, social media is doing a great deal of promotion of Oral Torah and the Noahide laws, and I've done enough research on both in writing a book a few years ago, to say, avoid the distraction.  Neither provide edification, but rather have served to take many away from seeking YHWH through Messiah.  But there are other issues believers get focused on as well, that don't necessarily cause them to turn away, but rather stifle their walk and silence their witness, while they still believe themselves to be moving forward on the narrow path.

The enemy is not omnipresent, nor is he omniscient, but he is a shape-shifter and he loves attention, especially the attention of those who claim to be believers.

When we stop and think of how many things we are against that get our attention, it's mind-boggling.  I am against tampering with creation, so I have a "Nonsanto" website and logo and I'm staunchly opposed to pharmaceuticals, but I also spend a great deal more time and definitely more energy sharing and encouraging organic gardening, natural food preservation, and healthy recipes.  In this publication, I have made a concerted effort to make sure I offer a plan, not just a criticism.  So far all of the Anti-Monsanto protests have been on Sabbath, making it so obvious, I can't just protest something, in following Messiah, I have to also be able to offer something "To Do."

Throughout the years, there has been an off and on focus of deliverance, but I've yet to see the focus remain on Messiah, once those "ministries" are officially declared.  I cringe when I hear the term demonology and I shudder when I watch someone set themselves up as the one who can deliver the deliverance.  YHWH is our deliverer in Messiah, and none other.

The focus on abortion is another troubling issue.  Oh, I don't believe in abortion, but it is a clear example of being focused on what we are against, and sometimes the better option is lost in the rhetoric.  I, personally, made the choice to live at a certain income level, so I would not pay taxes that fund Planned Parenthood.  Abba has never failed to provide for me, and I've been blessed to hold a number of sweet babies and provide gifts for them.

To be honest, ISIS is the current satanic focus in my awareness, and it rears a very ugly head.  The story of the Maccabees comes to mind frequently as I read the headlines.  I find it a real challenge to bring those thoughts captive and focus on the victory that is the end of the story . . .  Current events are turbulent, and Scripture indicates it will get worse before we see Messiah.  We must keep our eyes on Him, or the horror will indeed become our focus.

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