This will conclude what I was shown regarding the enemy's counterfeit gifts. The gift of tongues is probably one of the most controversial of the gifts. It could be, because it's the one most talked about and presumedly demonstrated. The fact that believers spend an inordinate amount of time talking about tongues is significant in itself. I do think there are times in which our praise and adoration of Abba leaves our known language in my case, English, but that is usually very private between Abba and I. "Tongues," as described in the second chapter of Acts was for others to be able to hear the Gospel. The crowd could hear in their own language, the message of salvation. What transpired regarding that particular gift as the body of believers expanded across the continent isn't really detailed as far as the gifts in operation until I Corinthians 12.
The book of Acts records several accounts of the other gifts of the Spirit in operation in healing, deliverance, miracles and discernment, but is mute regarding tongues past the second chapter. I'm curious to know if Paul spoke or penned his letters in the various languages, but we aren't told. Although several folks bill themselves to be prophets, what most of us see see all these years later, is tongues is the about the only gift currently recognized to be in operation. This simply ought not to be so. I've experienced supernatural communication, both in speaking and understanding, when ministering abroad, but only for specific conversations when there was no interpreter. I know what it is for the spirit to give utterance when I don't know how to pray as I ought, but I was given a message in an unknown tongue here in America, precisely once. I was a guest speaker in a Pentecostal church, so technically I guess that would be their language. I'm ashamed to say, when I heard the interpretation, I probably wouldn't have had the nerve to speak that message in English.
Since tongues has become the focus of so many, as a sign of the Holy Spirit, while the Instructions for holiness are mostly ignored, I have to wonder what spirit is actually behind much of what often sounds like gibberish. I know the gift is real, but I also know it often is not. If the focus is on the display, rather than the message, it may be the counterfeit roar.
Interpretation of tongues is the last gift of the Spirit listed in I Corinthians 12. I've seen that come forth on occasion in my travels. A cab driver or merchant will say something in his native language, and I'll understand it. I've also seen Abba receive glory when I couldn't make a Greek merchant understand that his clerk had given me too much change. I wasn't trying to get anyone in trouble, but I had more money in my hand when I left the shop than I went in. That incident inadvertently turned into several people involved to translate, and many enjoyed the event. The situation in which I was given the "message in tongues" at the Pentecostal church an interpretation did come forth . . . The individual simply stood and said, "You don't see the gifts because I don't see the fruit."
That interpreted message has stayed with me for years. Since Abba is no respecter of persons, it is our lack of consecration and obedience that is prohibiting the manifestation of the gifts. Rather than making disciples, we entertain and make excuses . . . and the counterfeit roar is heard.
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