Americans stood by complaining and blaming one woman for having prayer taken out of school in 1962 and apparently never considered the value of one voice for good, but left their children in the public school system, anyway. With shootings, drugs, human secularism, and now other religions, or a-theist statements, it's time to take action? Just what action should that be? Should the ACLU storm the schools and say no Islam teaching in the name of atheism, because the Christians and Jews have pretty much gone along with the changes? Or how about, no atheism statements because atheism is a belief system also?
We need to face the facts. Those in power and even those of age, had other priorities in the 60's, like money and war. I'll admit, my early adult years were a dismal failure and I certainly did my part to fail the next generation. Oh, I made certain statements regarding the direction of the nation, but with no direction, myself, I could only point out the similarities to 1984 and Brave New World. Pointing out the downward spiral is not the same thing as offering a solution!
I now want to sound the warning regarding Common Core Curriculum. This is nothing more than turning the public school system into "youth camps" modeled after Germany in the 1930's. It's been a slow and gradual decline, a slippery slope, if you will, but in fifty years, it has happened. Moving the responsibility of education from the home to public schools was a detrimental move on our society in general, and every adult that participated bears some guilt.
For too many years, I've heard the discussion that G-d was taken out of the schools. Well, who in their right mind talks about a belief in G-d, then sends their children into a place they believe is G-d forsaken? I did it and I'm ashamed that I did it! I failed in teaching the children in my charge the truth of G-d, and in that I failed in my responsibility as a parent. I can't change that fact and I cannot repair the damage, but I can sound the warning to young parents now.
School began for me, the year after the SCOTUS made the decision in 1962 regarding formal prayer in school, which was incidentally the same year our President was shot and killed in Dallas. There was no sex ed for kindergartners, but we still managed to have pregnant high schoolers, and gay boys. I believe America managed a sexual revolution with no sex education in the public school system, at all!
To be honest, I'm not upset that there are not supposed to be religious values taught at school, but I do think that should include all religions and philosophies across the board. I do, however; believe the absolute absence of values is a terrible thing to teach children.
And these words, which I command thee this day, shall be in thine heart: And thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children, and shalt talk of them
when thou sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, and when
thou liest down, and when thou risest up. Torah of Holy Scripture
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