WARNING: Contains Controversial Information
I realize this is not necessarily a shared view by many, but in light of so many sensing something truly ominous heading our way as a nation, and since this last week, freedom and independence were celebrated; I'd like to offer briefly, American history including a Scriptural perspective.I'll begin with my ancestors, since we made the first mistake in American history, and no the first mistake was not in feeding six starving Europeans that were afraid to get off their ship. The first mistake of Native Americans was to give up their long standing belief that the land belonged to our Creator. The land shall not be sold for ever: for the land is Mine; for ye are strangers and sojourners with Me. Leviticus 25:23 I've heard fellow Native Americans say, 'they gave us Bibles and stole our land,' but that's not entirely true. Although there was much bloodshed through the nation heading west, those first land transactions were basically negotiated, business deals. They were however; business deals my people had no business making, but they yielded to the temptation of instant gratification of firewater and wampum.
Moving into the late 18th century, we find the Revolutionary War. The term "Creator" is mentioned in the Declaration of Independence and in another source, you'll also find that Romans 13:1-2 was already written at the time. Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God. Whosoever therefore resisteth the power, resisteth the ordinance of God: and they that resist shall receive to themselves damnation. Considering we have nearly broken our arms patting ourselves on the back in regard to American pride, the Revolutionary War started over taxation, not religious freedom. And the guys as the Boston Tea Party weren't bold enough to actually stand their ground in protest, they dressed up as Native Americans. The French and the Native Americans actually came to the assistance of the Revolutionaries. The large green lady in the harbor came from France.
Although the European descendants were thrilled with their freedom from the King and had penned "all men are created equal," it turns out some men are more "equal" than others. This new "real estate across the pond" was really big and required a lot of land management to attain aristocratic status of "Land Baron," so clearly someone had to actually do the work . . . Although we like to retell the history of self starters and hard workers, we tend to omit that much of this land was worked, this nation built, and expanded on the backs of slaves and the blood of the Native people. This situation was politically resolved by the Civil War, but continues to be a political hot button topic called "racism."
Fast-forwarding to the early 20th century, 1929 to be exact, America was already loving the money! When the Stock Market crashed, we didn't repent, we dropped the standard . . . the gold standard. Rather than repenting and believing for the rain to fall, many headed to town for the Government Work Program. By the late thirties, Hitler was terrorizing Europe and America refused to get involved, even refusing to admit over 900 Jewish refugees in 1939. We were busy making classic movies that year . . .
Since I learned this history in another country that was not claiming heroism, I believe the following to be true. America got involved in WWII after Japan attacked us and all of our allies couldn't help us, as they were already busy in Europe fighting Nazis. By the end of WW II, twenty million Russians had already died, 13 million died in concentration camps; which included 6 million Jews, millions of Sabbath keeping Christians as well as Christians who were caught protecting Jews, gays and gypsies. The invasion of Normandy was led by Canada, followed by Britain after being under siege for 5 years, and American troops.
Once the war was over, America embraced the opportunity to be the "World's Super Power." We had the atomic bomb, we came into WWII late, so we still had some national energy with no rebuilding necessary as Hawaii wasn't yet a state, and by the 50's everyone could save up a down payment for debt called a mortgage. The American autobahn [interstate federal highways] was begun, medical dependency exploded, and McCarthyism grabbed the national focus. Hitler used the exact same tactics in Germany in the late 20's and early 30's. Meanwhile in the 50's "porn was born."
The idea that a Christian Nation could be taken down by a single atheist to get prayer out of school is completely illogical. This ruling in 1962 actually revealed the spiritual impotence that already existed in this nation. Church was a weekend hour activity and those who attended synagogue were not included in the "Christian Nation" mentality except to offer great savings for Christmas gifts.
I'm not saying there are not genuine believers and servants of the Most High G-d of Israel in this nation, I'm simply stating the idea of a Christian Nation is merely ideology. Repeating the ideology is not going to make it reality. Implementing the ideology individually is what makes it a reality. Simply stated, anyone who claims to be a follower of Messiah, one who claims to truly believe the Good News should live as He lived. We don't have to change laws, we have to live by the HIgher Ones already written. That's what Messiah did.
Y'hshuwah Messiah clearly stated, He had not come to abolish Torah. Paul wrote that he continued to believe Torah and the Prophets, and continued to observe the Feast Days. A New Testament only interpretation of Paul's writings may be exactly what founded this nation to head the direction in which it's arrived! When the teaching of only half of Deuteronomy 28:13 went through Christianity, the impending fall of America was official. When the teaching stopped at the semi-colon, judgment was sure to follow.
And YHWH shall make thee the head, and not the tail; and thou shalt be above only, and thou shalt not be beneath; if that thou hearken unto the commandments of YHWH thy G-d, which I command thee this day, to observe and to do them:
The rest of the chapter clearly explains America's problems today, and it is lengthy . . . 28:15 But it shall come to pass, if thou wilt not hearken unto the voice of YHWH thy G-d, to observe to do all his commandments and his statutes which I command thee this day; that all these curses shall come upon thee, and overtake thee:
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