There really is no tangible reason, my mind made this connection, but it did and now I'll share. The famous or infamous founder of TBN, Paul Crouch, died last week. He was 79 years old and his ministry had been engulfed in controversy for years. The commentary of the secularists regarding his prosperity message had died down years ago, but his teaching, televangelist lineup, and lifestyle remained quite controversial amongst the various Christian groups. I realize some remained faithful, but many began to struggle.
On one of my social media feeds, a link to a religious video popped up and it was four young men singing "HalleluYah," acapella. After enjoying that rendition and seeing the number of other artists who have recorded it, I of course had to hear Leonard do it . . . again. I'm a big Leonard Cohen fan. It was in that moment it occurred to me that Leonard is truly getting up there in age. As it turns out, he and Paul Crouch were born in the same year and of course, both have entertained hundreds of thousands of people. Two differences I noted. Leonard Cohen doesn't spend his time begging for money, he just has a ticket charge, and although he's lived a rather adventurous lifestyle, Leonard Cohen is not surrounded by controversy.
It is my humble opinion that Leonard Cohen has put the word "HalleluYah" on more lips than the sages of ancient Israel and modern televangelists combined.
That song appears everywhere and I realize the argument could be offered that it is not said or sang with a proper heart . . . and the prosperity bunch is teaching a proper heart? How about the universalists? Scripture says the Word of YHWH stands forever because He said it.
That undoubtedly stands, regardless of who repeats it!
Very good point about how YHWH's Word stands!