Do you ever have that time in your walk following Y'hshuwah that regular devotion time just seems like a dry read? I've had times, not often, thankfully, in which the words just sit there on the page, and I feel like I'm just going through the motion of devotion. It was through this last episode that it occurred to me, this relationship with my Creator is real! Sometimes in a relationship, we just do what we do, because it's what we do. I'm not talking about ritual, I'm talking about simple courtesy.
Praying in the wee hours of the morning is what I've done for ages now. I enjoy that very special time with Abba and Y'hshuwah. It's a time that life is not pressing or stressing and I love watching the sunrise, knowing it is our Creator Who ordained it. Sometimes I contemplate just what it might have been like that fourth day of creation. I'm often reminded of David's words of praying in the night or tears upon his couch, knowing how real that has become in my life. Sometimes the prayer time is very deep communion and other times, it's a discussion about people and events. It's a conversation! Other times, it's a simple "Good morning Abba! Thank you for a great night's sleep . . . let's roll!"
I love reading my morning Torah portion, as well as a Scriptural passage YHWH leads, with a cup of coffee before going out to do chores. It's as if the animals know, I'll be out about 30 minutes after the light comes on. Even Velvet doesn't make a peep when she first sees the light come on in the nook. When I do go out for chores, it seems there is always something on my mind to share with Abba or He reveals something to me. I don't think that would happen, if I didn't arise early to seek Him.
I also have an early afternoon devotion time. I'm learning the difference between ritual and divine appointment. I know I hear Him at other times, when I keep the appointment times a priority. There are times that we meet beyond my schedule, of course, but it's important to me, for Him to know meeting with Him is important! Again, it's a relationship. We don't always have great insight to share with our earthly families and friends, but we're there and we care!
Even when nothing leaps off the pages of my reading, I know it's important to read. Even when no great Word of command or insight comes at time of prayer, I know it's important to pray. Even when it's not a mountain top experience or a valley of shadow, I know He's there. I've known far too many people who have to have the adrenaline pumping all the time in regard to our Heavenly Father, and I'm not saying He doesn't meet their need, I just know, that isn't how every day is for me. Some days, even in the quiet, or even in what feels like just going through the motions, that time I take is still important to "be still know that He is G-d."
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