This is more than mere semantics. With so many religious buzz words and so much psychology intertwined now with faith, it seems many are chasing a feeling instead of seeking our Creator. I refer to this as "Jonesing for a holy high."
Most of us have met someone that is clearly after the next "awesome manifestation" or searching for "the anointing" or to "receive a word." Realistically, not only have most of us met someone like that, in all likelihood, at some point in our walk we've been that person. On one hand, it can be genuine humility to seek counsel and teaching from a more seasoned follower of Messiah, but on the other hand, it can also be following a person instead of Messiah. Or, and I'm out of hands, it can literally be an emotional rush rather than a spiritual yearning.
I'm certainly not trying to strain gnats here, but by the same token, people board busses, travel for miles, and stand in long lines attempting to swallow religious camels! Fellowship is important, but chasing a feeling isn't fellowship. We are told in Hebrews, to forsake not the assembling, but the word assembling in the original Greek was not a reference to "church" at all, but rather shared the same root word as the word, synagogue. Forsaking not the assembling was instructing the Hebrew believers to not disregard the set apart days specified in Torah.
We read that Messiah arose early to be in communion with the Father, or made a point of set apart time. He gave instruction that men were to pray in secret, not in shame, but not on display. The miracles that were witnessed were not organized and scheduled. He said His followers would do greater works and we read throughout the book of Acts, there were miracles of healing and deliverance, but they weren't staged, either. Walking in the power of YHWH involves alone time with Him, well beyond all the gatherings. Community worship or as it is buzzed, "corporate worship" is wonderful and it does "feel" good, but it is not the foundation of our relationship with YHWH. A personal decision to repent and follow Messiah is the foundation for our relationship and everything in our lives must be built on that foundation of truth.
Chasing an experience is not the same thing as seeking the Living G-d.
But seek ye first the kingdom of G-d, and his righteousness; and all these
things shall be added unto you. ~ words of Messiah
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