Sunday, April 27, 2014


"We're all at a Different Place in the Journey."  The basic gist of that sentence sounds almost like a New Age mantra.  I'm hearing it quite a bit, in one form or another.  It seems a religiously correct "cop out" to "agree to disagree" or come to some sort of "universal acceptance . . ."  Granted, we are all in various stages of maturity or immaturity, but this generic "journey" term could apply to any belief system or even secular ethics.  In realizing unity is hard to come by, it seems we've garnered some sort of mutually acceptable dismissal to avoid dispute and debate.

Although I am quite relieved to realize many of us have accepted, in the debate and dispute topics, the concept that it's pretty much all been said.  The topics don't change, the arguments don't change, and the debaters don't change, unless one becomes silent.  The Word of G-d is called a Sword, not a battering ram, so I'd like to gently offer another perspective to the "different place in the journey" statement.  There is more to living a G-dly life than simply staying between the ditches along side of the narrow path.  We are called to be part of the body of Messiah.

To truly be a set apart people, we don't need to use the broad brush terms of any other belief system.  Messiah's followers are all called to be different parts of His body.  Consider Jeremiah 29:11, Romans 11:29, and the various references to "the body of Messiah."  I believe what is causing a lack of unity, is our cookie cutter mentality; when it comes to fellowship.  We could even be so focused on "unity" we take our focus off of Messiah!

Hands and feet were not created for the same purpose, nor do they function in the same way, but both are valuable!  On the "journey" mantra, some may believe the hands are closer to the head than the feet . . . but it's the hands that wash the feet.  Hands and feet are not interchangeable and without one or the the other, major accommodations must be made.

It seems what we've all forgotten, in our sayings and expression of views, the mouth is IN the head!  That means the head controls the mouth!  I've personally struggled in this area for some time and have often found, the less said the better.  I actually find myself getting much quieter in airing my own perspectives, except here at the Goshen Gazette, where I can simply offer an idea or information.  There is no need to brow beat or explain myself, this life I'm living for Messiah, isn't about me, anymore . . . Followers of Messiah are called to: "sanctify YHWH G-d in your hearts: and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear: "  We're told to give an answer when asked.  That's not to condone compromise, but rather our lives are to be so set apart, those who see it, recognize there is something different.  That's what leads to their asking . . .

Maybe what we need to do is individually understand what part of the body we are, to be able to fulfill our responsibility that brings glory to YHWH and doesn't hurt Messiah's body.  Messiah has already been bruised for our iniquity . . . Some of us also have a call on our lives, and that isn't about a title or giving constant correction and criticism!  A call is a responsibility, a big one, that a human cannot fulfill in their own power.

I was blessed to fellowship face to face with one of our steadfast contributors and although there are obvious differences and perspectives, there is a unity that transcends geography and personal perspective.  We agree that Torah defines holiness and defines sin.  We agree that Messiah is the Son of G-d and lived a perfect Torah observant life, and we are called to follow Him.  Then as we celebrated Sabbath together, we were blessed to agree the body has need of various parts that do not operate in the same way.

As the ends of days continue to unfold, I believe we are all going to mature in appreciation of each other's differences, and not see it as a different place, but rather a different part of the bigger purpose.  Perhaps as we are being blessed to fellowship by phone, social media, or face to face, we may find we don't have to "feel" we are in different places in "the journey" but are actually just different parts of the body . . . of Messiah, and He is the head!  

Scriptures referred to in article.
For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith YHWH, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end.  Jeremiah 29:11
For the gifts and calling of G-d are without repentance.  Romans 11:29
For as the body is one, and hath many members, and all the members of that one body, being many, are one body: so also is Messiah.  I Corinthians 12:12

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