Sunday, June 22, 2014

The Foundation for Unity

Last week, we welcomed a new contributor to the Goshen Gazette in an article entitled, "Everything I Learned About Unity, I Learned From Pagans."  That article really got me thinking.  Of course, the festivals around the Middle Ages and Renaissance are truthfully thematic in content, away from our Creator, but the point was their unity in a common interest.  I then thought of the "grass roots" movements of the past few years, The Tea Party and the Occupy Movement.  Both claim to be comprised of many people from different walks of life, with a common purpose.  The Tea Party is obviously political, and the Occupy Movement is anti-Wall Street.  As I considered these three organized gatherings that inspire unity, a revelation occurred to me about the lack of unity amongst the people of G-d.  A light came on.  Perhaps this isn't news to many, but it was to me.

When G-d's people walk in unity, matters of eternal value transpire.

These other organizations and gatherings don't have any spiritual opposition!  There's no need for spiritual opposition, as there is no eternal value in the purpose.  I'm not suggesting those gatherings are evil, I'm just saying, the focus and purpose of these organizations are irrelevant in regard to eternity.

Sadly, however; the people of G-d have trouble with unity, because we allow so many divisive details to become priorities, and that has to change.  I've been given just a glimpse of what real unity is, and the three of us are nowhere close geographically, but this week, I had a taste, just a taste, of what YHWH has in mind, and it is good!  Psalms 34:8  O taste and see that YHWH is good: blessed is the man that trusteth in Him.

I don't think the individuals will mind me using their names.  If next week's edition is shorter, you'll know they did.  (smile)  I shared with Beth this week, that not only is the round table ready for the five fold ministry, I now have five desks.  Each minister could have their own space to prepare their own projects.  That was the second click.  My light coming on this week, was sort of like a three way bulb, with every click of the switch, the light intensified.  In the conversation, she mentioned she had a myriad of office chairs . . . That's not to say, she and I are going to land in the same geographical location, but we could . . . The point being we were each offering what we had, for the general purpose, and the bigger point was, it wasn't the same thing.  The people of G-d seem to get bogged down in thinking unity has to be uniformity!  As our conversation continued, other things came up and we both voiced how much appreciation we have for the gifts and talents of others that we don't have.  Unity involves appreciation, rather than competition.  I realize tables and desks may not sound like a big deal, but I've been praying for five fold ministries to gather for several years now, and I believe they are beginning to do just that in many places.  A table and desk is part of the works of expressing my faith.  I don't want tables and desks to fall like manna!

The next click occurred when Gerry went storm chasing.  I always pray for him when he does this, but this time I prayed that he would clearly hear G-d.  I remember how I used to talk and listen for Abba when I drove regularly . . . not storm chasing, I assure you!  When he posted hearing, it clicked that (A) Abba had answered a prayer and (B) that prayer had been prayed in agreement, unbeknownst to both of us, at the time.

Just as with Beth, there was a "second witness" as Gerry wrote of his interests, I was reminded that YHWH puts the talents and interests in His people to be used by Him when He is first priority.  Matthew 6:33  But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.  When I saw that Gerry had written about his love of photographing storms, I realized immediately, many of us are interested in weather, but not everyone has been given the talent to capture in a photograph, the majesty of our Creator, and not too many weather men can explain the science of weather from a Biblical perspective.

So, with all that enlightenment, I was here at the homestead killing dust bunnies.  I realized in my life, I was so focused on preparing for the bigger vision, I was allowing the immediate path to be cluttered, not with priorities, but non-priorities.  Rather than one priority, like Gerry was dealing with, I had eleventy-seven little bits of nonsense and non-priorities taking up space . . . The realization hit me like a ton of bricks.  When the five fold ministries gather, the mundane will still be necessary.  Dusting will still be important.  When the real gathering to work together happens, "communities" will be dwelling together.  We will no longer be in the formal living room where nothing goes on . . .

A Song of degrees of David.  Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity!
The second chapter of Acts is exciting and of course I want to participate in a move of YHWH like that, but Acts 2 didn't happen until Acts 1 had taken place.  Unity isn't about all of us doing the same thing, and unity certainly isn't about gathering all the people who share the same gifts and strengths.  Unity certainly isn't about focusing on unity . . . Unity is about a group of individuals who want to be close and obedient to YHWH and bear witness of Y'hshuwah, who encourage each other and pray for each other, and are willing to share freely what they've been freely given.  Unity will take place when G-d's people make His presence in every aspect of our life, our first priority.
And when the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all with one accord in one place.  Acts 2:1


  1. Great article! It is true. We each have something unique to bring to the round table! ;) All for the Glory of G-d!
