I realize many truly believe that our Creator uses modern medicine in healing. To each his own on that . . . For some reason "doing what is right in our own eyes" and "following our heart:" modern medicine is rarely scrutinized as compromised faith. "Come out from among them and be separate" is rarely applied to standing in full faith, without the wisdom of man, in regard to healing.
We are all given a measure of faith, so regardless of where you stand, be aware of some facts. First and foremost our walk has to match our talk, spiritually speaking. If you believe Adonai uses medicine in healing, then don't preach against it, but don't try to talk someone else out of their faith. If you believe you are called to stand in full faith without medical intervention, then don't waiver and I'd recommend not "looking for evil," which is . . . tests.
The simple fact of the matter is, modern medicine has the judicial power to supercede a person's choices at any point it is determined to be in a "person's best interests or that of a child" to take away their right to choose. I've seen so many people say they are trusting YHWH Raphah and only using His created remedies, only to have tests run that will result in medical intervention. Immediately then, the staunch conviction is questioned and often they submit to the compromise calling it the Will of the Father.
Somewhere in our fairly recent history, hospitals stopped being a place of care and recovery and became a place of a very short term stay for major invasive procedures, not to mention the dispensary for Big Pharma. Recently, I was absolutely shocked when someone had surgery, then wasn't responding as the doctor's had predicted. That wasn't the shocking part, as doctors are obviously fallible. What transpired next, I found to be shocking. In a matter of less than a week, this individual was actually transported FROM the hospital by ambulance! Let that sink in for just a moment . . .
Obamacare as the Affordable Care Act is termed, may be the very thing that causes all of us to question where our faith actually lies. If we are determined to place our faith in our Creator and His remedies, but we then decide we need to know what G-d knows, the ones performing the tests and reading the results may determine they know more than any of us. If you are determined to stand on your faith, be assured we are here to offer encouragement and stand in agreement with you in prayer.
And the prayer of faith shall save the sick, and YHWH shall raise him up;
and if he have committed sins, they shall be forgiven him. - James the brother of Messiah
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